It’s me, Brianna.

And that’s my Australian Shepherd sidekick, Teo. ——>

I was raised in the Midwest and now I’ve moved halfway across the country to enjoy warm days, every day, in St. Petersburg, Florida!

I discovered I could draw when I was 23 and then started dabbling in acrylic paints to add a pop of color. I began my career as a Child Life Specialist around this time, which is someone who works with children in the hospital to help them cope with the trials they face throughout hospitalization. Specifically, I worked with children going through physical rehabilitation due to a brain injury, traumatic accident, paralyzation, etc. for 7 years. Needless to say, it had days that were very emotionally heavy and I knew I was taking some of that home with me. On those heavy days, I found myself drawing and painting away; it was just the outlet I needed. I now work as a Child Life Specialist at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa, FL, working with all hospitalized children, from the Emergency Department to the Hematology/Oncology Unit.

It was in 2020 that my roommate at the time, James Labounty II, pushed me to take the next step of putting my art out there for the world to see on Instagram/Facebook. This may seem minor, but it was a big step, seeing as I paint out of emotion and was putting that raw emotion into the public eye.

To this day, my favorite part about creating art pieces is that they’re based on perspective. I may paint a piece that speaks to me in a certain way and yet it speaks to another person in an entirely different way. I love knowing that I have created something from my heart and it is impacting another person’s heart as well.